Workshop for the control of recording and labelling of the equipment containing refrigerants – Ohrid
Ohrid, October 21.2019
Workshop for the control of recording and labelling of the equipment containing refrigerants
Within the implementation of the Article 22-b paragraph (12) of the Law on Environment and the Rulebook on the recovery, reclaiming and recycling of substances that deplete the ozone layer (“Official Gazette” No. 85/2013), as well as the HPMP, the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning/ National Ozone Unit has organized a Workshop for the control of recording and labelling of the equipment containing refrigerants. The event was held on 21.10.2019 in Ohrid, with an objective of intensifying the activities for recording and labelling of the equipment, as well as enabling better communication, cooperation and coordination between the stakeholders, namely the equipment owners and environmental inspectors. At this workshop, the following topics were presented:
- The role of the State Environmental Inspectorate in the control of chemicals and the equipment that contains chemicals, during which the organisational structure of the inspectorate was presented, their ongoing and future projects, the SEI role in the substances/RAC equipment management and control
- Тhe protective role of the ozone layer and the importance of the Montreal Protocol and its Amendments in the recovery process of the ozone layer.
- Kigali Amendment– theoretical and practical aspects, elaboration of the need to phase-down the consumption of the
- National legislation for management of the ozone depleting substances and the refrigerants in general – legal aspects of the management of refrigerants and the responsibilities of the involved stakeholders
- Good service practices to be applied for recording and labelling of the equipment that contains more than 3 kg refrigerant charge and its inspection, where a detailed presentation of the steps of recording and labelling was given, and the presenter shared his consulting experience with the neighbouring countries.
Finally, the checklist for inspection was disseminated among the inspectors to help in more efficient and detailed inspection in the future.
The practical part of this workshop provided an overview of the process for recording and labelling of equipment through an on-site labelling of equipment containing more than 3kg of refrigerant fluids.
A preview of the presentations is available here