Training for the customs officers for the control of substances, mixtures and equipment that are under the Montreal Protocol for substances that deplete the ozone layer
Gevgelija (24.01.2020), Skopje (19.02.2020) and Bitola (21.02.2020)
Training for the customs officers for the control of substances, mixtures and equipment that are under the Montreal Protocol for substances that deplete the ozone layer
As part of the Hydrofluorocarbons Phase-out Management Plan, National Ozone Unit has undertaken activities for strengthening capacities of the Customs Administration of the Republic North Macedonia. In relation to this, 5 identifiers were purchased for the customs officers to identify substances controlled by the Montreal protocol.
It is expected that this will enhance the control of the substances that are imported or exported from the country, in order to prevent illegal trade.
To provide support in handling these identifiers, manual and mini brochure were developed, that contain valuable data and directives as well as instructions on adequate control and identification of the Montreal Protocol substances, mixtures and the equipment containing these substances.
The campaign for strengthening capacities also included series of trainings: in Gevgelija (24.01.2020), Skopje (19.02.2020) and Bitola (21.02.2020). On these trainings the customs officers are introduced to the Montreal Protocol and the substances it controls. The parts from the national legislation related to the implementation of the Protocol were pointed out. Furthermore, the process of obtaining import and export permits was explained. During the theoretical part, the customs officers also were informed on the most commonly used ways of smuggling and how to prevent it.
This was followed by the practical part, where on-hand introduction to handling these identifiers was given and the customs officers had the an opportunity to try the identifiers themselves monitored by and with the help of a RAC expert.