Workshop for service technicians, equipment owners and environmental inspectors – Bitola 26 September 2016
Within the implementation of Article 22-b paragraph (12) of the Law on Environment (“Official Gazette” No. 53/05, 81/05, 24/07, 159/08, 83/09, 48/10 , 124/10, 51/11, 123/12, 93/13, 187/13, 42/14, 44/15, 129/15 and 192/15) and Rulebook on the collection, recovery and recycling of substances which deplete the ozone Layer ( “Official Gazette” No. 85/2013) a workshop was held on September 26th, 2016 in Bitola. It was attended by service technicians, equipment owners and environmental inspectors. The workshop was divided into two parts. The first part of the workshop was intended for all participants and they had the opportunity to engage in the following presentations:
→ Ozone layer – depletion/protection and connection to climate change
→National legislation for the management of refrigerant fluids: recording and labeling of equipment containing refrigerant fluids, licensing system for handling refrigerants and/or products containing refrigerant fluids, yearly report on the types and quantities of recovered, reclaimed and recycled refrigerant fluids
→ Obligations of the equipment owner and service technician of the equipment
→ Recording and labeling of equipment containing refrigerant fluids: contents and rules/guidelines for filling-out the log-book and record sheet, contents and application of the record number and record label
→Tools for recording and labeling of equipment
→Practical examples of application of the required documents
After completing the first part answers were provided to the frequently asked questions, and an open discussion on the topics that were discussed was facilitated.
The second part of the workshop was intended for the service technicians and they had the opportunity to attend the following presentations:
→ Good Service Practice
→ Leak checks and sealing of systems for refrigeration and A/C
→ Halogenated refrigerants and their natural alternatives
→ Presentation of the Manual for Good Service Practice in Cooling and A/C Systems
→ Frequently asked questions (Discussion)
These issues have caused great interest among the participants at the workshop and additional informal discussions were facilitated.
The workshop was well attended with participation of 39 service technicians, environmental inspectors and owners of equipment.